Duplicating Notes Section - issue

Hi, loving Kirby but having an issue. I have duplicated all the Notes files from the starterkit, renamed every instance in all the files to something else (shot(s)) but my main page (notes renamed to shots) just show’s an empty page? In the panel I can add single shot(note) pages and can preview them and adds the menu item but the main page nothing?

Can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong…? can’t post all the code here as it’s all the files - also ran into this problem when creating the project files from your you tube videos, can preview the single project pages but the main page dosen’t show the projects? In the “panel” the main “project page” dosen’t show anything either - any help appreciated as I want to stick with Kirby :slight_smile:

Ok finally figured this out, in the content folder for the newly created menu items, change the root text file from “default.txt” to the folder name in my case, projects.txt and shots.txt. Then it all appeared as it should… spent days looking at my naming in the code :slight_smile:

I am currently facing the same problem. I have also duplicated all the necessary files and given them a new name. However, the corresponding new posts are not displayed. Do I also have to create a new variable and where can I do this?

I would like to have 3 pages that all work with the same behavior.

They are different artists
that appear under different labels

Label 1 / Artist…
Label 2 / Artist…
Label 3 / Artist…

Where do I have to define the variable.
$Label1 as $Artist

I have also tried to use Notes as a template in site.yml, but unfortunately without success.

Can you please explain exactly what you did and show the result in the file system.

Also, where are the posts missing now? Frontend? Panel?

  1. i tried the fast way → site.yml = put the notes in the template list.
    type: pages
  • notes
  1. in the panel the notes visible but not in the frontend.
  2. in the panel it is possible to add a new note - but not visible in the frontend

After that i duplicated the notes section and renamed it to releasees
2. notes. txt > label.txt
3. note.txt > release.txt
4. notes.yml > label.yml - change title & sections/releases
5. note.yml > release.yml change title
6. duplicate section/notes > section/releases > changed:
label: Releases
parent: kirby.page(“label”)
info: “{{ page.published }}”
empty: No releases yet
7. duplicated notes.php > label.php
changed : <?php snippet('release', ['release' => $note]) ?>
8. duplicates note.php > release.php

in the panel i can see the releases, but not in the frontend. And the releases also shown in the notes column in the panel. and the releases shown in frontend note-page. see screenshots

i hope there is a more easy way to do this. in best case the content editor can use the blog template to create more sites with the same behaviour.

sorry i hope everything is clear. i tried to upload some pix, but i get an 400 error

Looks like you forgot to assign the correct template for the children here, which should not be note but release.

Hm, but did you change the variable in the new snippet as well if you renamed it to release here?