Does Kirby 3.4.0 breaks AutoID 2.6.2?

Hey AutoID Users,

im using latest AutoID 2.6.2 and after update to Kirby 3.4.0 it stops generating Ids :frowning:
Could you please check and confirm if this is an issue on your site too?

Thx in advance

Pinging @bnomei who author of plugin.

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thanks @ahmetbora. i need to check if changes to the hooks break something but can not before friday (2 weekdays from now). any input until then would be much appreciated.

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found fix during lunchbreak… v2.7.0


Hey @bnomei,
many thx for your fast help!
Sent you some money via paypal for a few coffees :wink:

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thanks @slgdev for the coffees! :slight_smile: