It’s indeed not supported. Kirby only loads the English i18n strings of the dayjs library that powers the date field in the Panel.
We haven’t found a way to dynamically load the i18n strings for the user’s current language sadly. And it’s not an option to load all of them for performance reasons.
I had the same problem.
So I tried to access datejs from within a user-defined panel.js. I wanted to make this happen:
Load in a language file for nl_NL and tell dayjs to use it:
import 'dayjs/locale/nl' // load on demand
dayjs.locale('nl') // use Dutch locale globally
But I wasn’t able to get it working, because I don’t know how to call the function dayjs from within this script. And there is always the possibility that it wouldn’t work anyway.
Then I tried to fix it an ugly way and succeeded, but its very ugly:
In this file: kirby/panel/dist/js/vendor.min.js
find the string: January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December, and change it to your locale.
Then delete this file: media/panel/<number>/js/vendor.min.js
and also clean the browser cache.
This is not an advised way to solve it, and with an update of Kirby this will be overwritten.