Custom kirbytags don't respect order when rendered

I made some kirbytag extensions. When I render them with other content like images and text paragraphs some of them don’t show up in the right order.

Kirby::plugin('a/plugin', [
  'tags' => [

    'bookrelated' => [
      'html' => function($tag) {    
        $pgUid = "scopri/lavori/". $tag->attr('bookrelated');
        $pg = page($pgUid);
        if(!$pg){ die("Page '". $tag->item ."' not found"); }
        else {
          return snippet('book-item', [
            "pg"    => $pg,
            "small" => true,

// in panel

(image: someimage.jpg)

Some paragraph text.

_Related items_

(bookrelated: berlino)

In the rendered html bookrelated appears before the image and the paragraph.
I have the feeling it has to do with how I return the html.


          return snippet('book-item', [
            "pg"    => $pg,
            "small" => true,
          ], true);

partially solves it but leads to another odd behaviour: some of the html renders as a string and is displayed in the page as html code.
What am I missing here?

Does your snippet contain indents?

Yes it had a lot :sweat_smile:

This solved it, thank you!

Didin’t realize the content of kirbytags also passes through markdown (that’s the reason right?)