Kirbytext Custom Tag is always rendered first

Hello everyone!

I have a small issue with custom tags. I created a custom tag as following:

a simple svg tag that renders a svg not as <img> but <svg>



in the panel:

In general it works with no problems. it recognizes the file and renders this:

My only issue is: Why is it rendering the svg tag first, and then the text? Which is the wrong order. In the Panel i added Text first, then the svg.

What am i doing wrong here?

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

Please post your code as code so that I can reproduce without having to type out everything, thanks.

my bad. not so experienced with writing in forums :sweat_smile:



Kirby::plugin('myplugin/svg-tag', [
	'snippets' => [
		'svg-tag' => __DIR__ . '/snippets/svg-tag.php'
	'tags' => [
		'svg' => [
			'attr' => [
			'html' => function($tag) {
				$svg = $tag->parent()->file($tag->value);
				$caption = $tag->caption;

				return snippet('svg-tag', ['svg' => $svg, 'caption' => $caption]);


	<?= svg($svg) ?>
		<?= $caption ?>

You need to pass true as third parameter to just return instead of echo the snippet:

return snippet('svg-tag', ['svg' => $svg, 'caption' => $caption], true);

ahhh great! so simple. thanks a bunch @texnixe :blush: