Crop image doesnt work


I’m working on a website based on the kirby theme “One”.
It’s using crop() to crop images on the home and projects template, but it’s not working at all.

there is the source code :

<?php if($project->cover()->isNotEmpty()): $thumb = $project->cover()->toFile()->crop(600, 400);?>
  <img class="img-responsive" src="<?= $thumb->url() ?>" alt="" />
<?php endif ?> spaces 

But it’s not working att all. My images are not cropped.

I looked at the media folder and it’s appear there is no image files corresponding.

Maybe I’ve to manage my thumb in the config file, but it’s seems weird that the default config of Kirby doesn’t work.

Thank’s a lot

The first thing would be to check if the image object exists before you call the crop method:

<?php if ($file =  $project->cover()->toFile()) :
  $thumb = $file->crop(600, 400); ?>
  <img class="img-responsive" src="<?= $thumb->url() ?>" alt="" />
<?php endif ?>

Testing if cover is empty is not necessary then.

However, there seems to be another problem, because the jobs are created but not the thumbs themselves…

Yes it’s weird, when I add a new project in the back office and save jobs are created but ther is no image in the media folder.

Image are created when I recharge the page, not thumbs, only the image source…

Are you using the standard gd library or imagemagick in config? If you haven’t set a config option, then gd is the default, so make sure gd is present and enabled (check phpinfo()).

What web server are you using? Is this locally or on a remote server?

Okay, I understand where is my problem.

I’ve some troubles with my php and Server installation.
I’ve reinstall all the missing library and it’s working well now !