Could not find Panel view for route / Could not be resolved as a valid parent for the upload

I’m trying to put a website from a local server (nginx) to my server (apache).
I have added a custom panel menu item in my config.php to a specific page used to store websites images :

'panel' => [
		'menu' => fn() => [
			'site' => Menu::site(),
			'images' => Menu::page(null, 'images', page('page://images')),

On my local environment everything work fine but on my server I couldn’t access this page. I have an error message :

Could not find Panel view for route: images

On the image fields which use this configuration I also have an error message :

“site.find(‘page://images’)” could not be resolved as a valid parent for the upload

If someone have an idea to solve that… :slight_smile:

Thanks !

I have used this gist…

I have find an another way to do what I want here : panel | Kirby CMS

But is still have the error on my hosting provider…

“site.find(‘page://images’)” could not be resolved as a valid parent for the upload

My field is simply defined as this :

label: field.image.label
type: files
  parent: site.find('page://images')
  template: image
multiple: false
  cover: false
info: "{{ file.alt }}"
query: site.find('page://images').images.filterBy('template', 'image')

What is this? What is the page:// part doing there? Is images a manually assigned uuid?

You are right !
I have changed for the following code, it works now.

Thank you

label: field.image.label
type: files
  parent: site.children.template('images').first()
  template: image
multiple: false
  cover: false
info: "{{ file.alt }}"
query: site.children.template('images').first()