Column Plugin gone! Why?


i used a column plugin for a project already and it worked fine for, now i wanna use it for a other project but the documentation and plugin was deleted.

Any solution how i can easily use Columns?

  • i already searched i the forum

Is this it?

yes, but there is nothing on the page :slight_smile:

Look at

All official Kirby plugins have been moved to

Please note that the website is not up to date. Currently, the best place to go to for an up-to-date list of plugins is

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i found it but the column script doesn´t worked. I put the column folder to the plugin folder and edit the Text like:






but nothing happens

Have you renamed the folder to columns (/site/plugins/columns)? The folder name must be the same as the main plugin file. In most cases, you have to rename the folder if you download from GitHub, because you usually get something like “pluginname-master”.

How do you render the field in your template?

what you mean with render?

What have you put into your template to output the field content?

<?php snippet('header') ?>
<div class="container text pad_top pad_bot" role="main">
	<h1><?php echo $page->title()->html() ?></h1>
	<?php echo $page->text()->kirbytext() ?>
</div> <!-- // container -->
<?php snippet('footer') ?>

And what do you mean by “nothing happens”?

LoL…now it works! First the columns did´t showing up, but its right. Thank you

How i can make it into one column for mobile?

Use media queries in your stylesheet, for example:

.columns {
  margin-right: -2rem;
.column {
  display: inline-block;
  vertical-align: top;
  padding-right: 2rem;
  width: 100%;

@media screen and (min-width: 900px) {

  .columns-1 .column {
    width: 100%;
  .columns-2 .column {
    width: 50%;
  .columns-3 .column {
    width: 33.33%;
  .columns-4 .column {
    width: 25%;
  .columns-5 .column {
    width: 20%;

makes sense :slight_smile: Thank you works