Check if icon exist

Given a random string, Is there a way to check if that is an available icon within the current Kirby setup (which can be used directy in an k-icon html tag as type), or if it should be tried as an emoji?

You can get all icons like this:

$svg = new SimpleXMLElement(F::read(kirby()->root('panel') . '/dist/img/icons.svg'));
$icons = [];
foreach ($svg->defs->children() as $symbol) {
    array_push($icons, str_replace('icon-', '', $symbol->attributes()->id));

Then you can check with in_array("random-string", $icons) if it exists.

Seems to work great.

For now cached it and made it a SiteMethod getter.
Hopefully these things won’t hurt performance too much

Hey, sorry to digg this up and thanks for the directions here.
I took some time to wrap it in a cached plugin and added icons from plugins to the list. :slight_smile:

// File: site/plugins/iconkit/index.php
// Original code from @bvdputte, which is a simplified version of
// Improved by @Daandelange to use cache, include additional plugin icons, a site method, and an isIcon validator
// MIT

Kirby::plugin('daandelange/iconkit', [
    // Returns an array with all icon names, uses cache
    // Usage: site()->kirbyIcons()
    'kirbyIcons' => function(){
        $cache = kirby()->cache('daandelange.iconkit');
        $icons = $cache->get('icons');

        // there's nothing in the cache, so let's fetch it
        if ($icons === null) {
            $icons = [];
            // Get native kirby icons
            $svg = new SimpleXMLElement(F::read(kirby()->root('panel') . '/dist/img/icons.svg'));
            foreach ($svg->defs->children() as $symbol) {
                array_push($icons, str_replace('icon-', '', $symbol->attributes()->id));
            // Inject plugin icons
            foreach(new Collection(kirby()->plugins()) as $key=>$pluginInfo){
                if( array_key_exists('icons', $pluginInfo->extends()) ){
                    $pluginicons = array_keys($pluginInfo->extends()['icons']);
                    if(count($pluginicons)>0) $icons = array_merge($icons, $pluginicons);
            // Store cache for next time
            $cache->set('icons', $icons, 60*24*7); // Update cache once a week = ok ?
        return $icons;

    // Enable cache for this plugin
    'options' => [
        'cache' => true

    // Custom validators
    'validators' => [
        // Validates icon names
        // usage : V::isIcon('paint-brush')
        'isIcon' => function ($value) {
            return V::in($value, site()->kirbyIcons()); // or in_array($value, $icons);
    // Plugin icons must be registered this way in the php plugin declaration file:
    // Which is  : /¡\ NOT AS DOCUMENTED /!\
    //'icons' => [
    //    'test-icon' => '', // Inject icon name for iconkit plugin