The fine folks behind Panda published a new online magazine for creative professionals called Interface Lovers. The site is packed with interesting interviews, providing a peek into what turns the best designers on about pixels and perfection. Interface Lovers makes its rounds on Twitter, Facebook and Co. and hit number one on Product Hunt. The team gave us a glimpse behind the curtain and told us how they run Interface Lovers with Kirby.
Thanks, I love these Case Studies. And this site looks awesome too
I wonder how the interviews with the galleries and images in between the text look in the panel.
Is it just a regular textarea with a custom kirbytag for galleries and inline images? Or a fancy builder/modules/custom field?
Honestly i don’t think that its really that well done.
I think its just few types of gallery kirby tag. One for single wide image, one for single narrow image and one for doubleimage that fits images into two boxes that have fixed width. It is quite inconsistent when they have doubleimages with different ratios (they have different heights) and they have problems with image quality when images have big height (because they let them fit width).
I think the interviews are nice. It gives a bit more than just “Made with Kirby and <3”.
Here are some things I would always like to read about in these interviews:
Which plugins are used.
Solutions for the particular site. For example, if a database is used, it could be nice to know about it (or perhaps the gallery that @thguenther mentions in this case).
Why they picked Kirby, the best things about it.
What they want Kirby to be in the future, what they miss today.
About the site and the people around it + images.
Well, everything in this list is often already covered in most interviews so good work! I hope it will continue like this, not forgetting things that makes an interesting reading.
Also I think that case studies could have an own section/category in the blog, (the same with Kosmos). It’s nice to have similar things grouped together.