Call to undefined function Kirby\Image\Darkroom\exec()

I’ve just setup a new Kirby install and am encountering an issue when trying to load an image conversion: Call to undefined function Kirby\Image\Darkroom\exec()

I’ve tried removing vendor and kirby and reinstalling with composer but still have the same issue.

PHP 8.2.22
Kirby 4.3.0

Locally, I’m encountering a problem with images too:

The imagemagick convert command could not be executed: 'convert' -limit thread '1' '/REDACTED/media/site/040e9eb568-1723845649/016-76x.jpg' -auto-orient -thumbnail '76x51!' -quality '50' '/REDACTED/media/site/040e9eb568-1723845649/016-76x.jpg'

You seem to be using im as your thumb driver. When using this thumb driver, the PHP exec() function needs to be enabled. Check if there is a php.ini you can change and look for disable_functions.

Ah I see, thank you! In my case enabling shell_exec didn’t fix things, but enabling exec did.