I’ve updated my site to Kirby 4, and replaced the .license file and all is good. As I make all my changes through the panel on my local dev version (and then deploy to production) I don’t have the panel on my production site. Do I need to activate my license, and if so, how do I do that on production without the panel?
Yes, the license needs to be activated. You can do it without the Panel via our license hub, please see Get up and running | Kirby CMS for details.
Thanks! So I’ve already uploaded the .license file - is that everything I need to do?
Yes, all fine!
To clarify: The license needs to be activated to the production domain. If you have activated it locally, the license file and our hub contain your local development domain.
It is not necessary to activate licenses on a local development domain, only in production. The activation dialog warns about this but still allows the local activation for cases where the local installation is the production site (e.g. intranet sites).
On our license hub it is possible to enter the domain on the first activation and download the license file for the correct domain. So for new licenses where the Panel is not in use in production, this would be the way to go.
If the license is already activated, the domain can only be changed manually by us (email to support at getkirby com).
Thanks Lukas, I’ve not activated locally, so all is good!