Accessing content in a custom field

Your code looks fine, only tried the one from your latest post and it works fine.

Please remove all other plugins and try running npm run build in both folders instead of npm run dev. See if this fixes your issues, then only run npm run dev in one folder at a time.

You can’t have two or more plugins in dev mode simultaneously, you’ll end up with the error message you’re posting.

I moved all other plugin folders I created previously out of htdocs (document-root) and ran npm run build on the remaining plugin folder. Same error message. Same structure in Vue devtools.

Code of compiled index.js:

(function () {var a={extends:"k-text-field"};if(typeof a==="function"){a=a.options}Object.assign(a,function(){var render=function(){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c("p",[_vm._v("hello")])};var staticRenderFns=[];return{render:render,staticRenderFns:staticRenderFns,_compiled:true,_scopeId:null,functional:undefined}}());panel.plugin("test/pluginevo",{fields:{myplugtestevo:a},components:{"k-myplugtestevo-input":{extends:"k-text-input"}}});})();

What’s wrong now?

Could anyone please provide a pluginkit which extends a kirby field and uses a vue-component @bastianallgeier @sylvainjule?

Hm, the above code example works for me as well, although the first time I got the error message and then after rebuilding it worked. So I wonder if that’s rather some caching issue, similar to what happened here: The section type "pagetable" is not valid

@texnixe Well, I rebuilt the plugin several times in build and dev mode. I also opened the panel in a Chrome private window. This should get rid of any caching issues. Right?

Still it doesn’t work… And hints welcome!

Can you provide a complete package for testing, i.e. your project including the plugin that doesn’t work. I have no idea whatsoever how to reproduce that if the code snippets you provide work perfectly.

This new recipe might help if you try to do something similar:

@mshoestrng Did you ever solve your problem?

@texnixe I started again from scratch and was successful, see Access content of blueprint field in index.js