Why is sortBy not working in the panel?


I try to sort the entries of a structure field by date (which is a field of it) but it does not affect the view in the panel.
Does anyone know why?

            label: Einträge
            type: structure
            sortBy: veroDate desc
                label: AutorIn
                type: text
                width: 1/4
                label: Beschreibung
                type: textarea
                buttons: false
                width: 2/4
                label: Veröffentlicht am
                type: date
                display: DD.MM.YYYY
                width: 1/4

manual sorting is disabled, so it seems to be applied somehow.
I also tried “date desc” but nothing changes.

just tested it on a local installation, becaus I have had problems with camelcase in blueprints.

try using

sortBy: verodate desc

– that worked for me (removing capital “D”).

That’s working, thank you!