When using the virtual pages how often and when is the api called?


I’m looking to integrate an api into a website. I’m wondering how often the API will be called? I assume it’s called with every request however I don’t see the call in the network tab. I makes me assume it’s called from the sever?

Also: is it possible to only call an API every hour/x minutes?

I’m wondering how often the API will be called? I assume it’s called with every request however I don’t see the call in the network tab. I makes me assume it’s called from the sever?

Yes, it’s called from the server as you implement the API requests in PHP code. The backend will request the data from the API with every request as there isn’t caching by default…

Also: is it possible to only call an API every hour/x minutes?

…you can however manually cache the data using our built-in cache helpers.

Oh sweet looks pretty nice.


not having to write custom cache logic i created a wrapper plugin around the core methods. might be useful if you intend to use it a few times in different places.

about delaying it per hour: