Hey there, I’m using this one from the docs:
$response = remote::get('https://baseurl.com', [ 'data' => [ 'param' => 'val' ] ]);
Now, I want to cache $response and only call it again if its cached version is older than x hours. How may I utilise Kirby’s cache system to do that?
Have a look how to use the cache system in this plugin: https://github.com/kirby-deprecated-plugins/kirby-time-cache
So, easiest would be to use this plugin to cache 1. my remote call or 2. the whole page containing my $response for x hours, saving all the hassle of copying relevant functions to my own setup, right?
Probably, but I haven’t inspected the plugin’s source code
Thanks so far! Wish this would be Kirby core behaviour, just saying ‘query x, read / write cache after y period’