What does "query: false" do?

The Kirby 3.6 launchpage mentions a query: false image option. What does that do?

  icon: "{{ page.categoryIcon }}"
  query: false
  color: black
  back: "{{ page.categoryColor }}"

I’ve noticed that you can query for an image by supplying a query to a src option, but that isn’t mentioned anywhere.

Let’s say you have the following setting:

  icon: ❤️
  cover: true
  ratio: 5/4

This will show the icon as a fallback if there is no image, otherwise an image will be queried.

With query: false you can disable the image and thus force the icon:

  icon: ❤️
  query: false
  cover: true
  ratio: 5/4

ahhh! Thanks :slight_smile:

I was trying to do query: file.poster.toFile.url :man_facepalming: