Preview image false for a particular blueprint in pages section

On a pages section I’d like for a certain blueprint, and only that blueprint, to show no image at all, only icon.

The pages section:

        label: Secciones
        type: pages
          - artists
          - about
          - contact 
          - fairs 
          - news 

The about.yml blueprint

title: About
icon: question 

  changeTitle: true
  changeStatus: true
  changeTemplate: false
  changeSlug: false
  delete: false

I tried adding image: false to about.yml header, but it throws an error

How to set this up, then ?


Should be

  icon: 🏠

But doesn’t seem to work as expected because when the page also has images, it uses those…

I assume this is the same using an emoji than using a built-in Kirby icon.

So, is this a bug? Should I fill one ?



Have you tried the (query: false) solution as described in this previous post?

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Thanks, @aoimedia, completely forgotten my own answer :see_no_evil:

Need to document that…


You have a lot to remember, Sonja. :wink:

He is most definitively right!

Still, I think that image: false or image: icon: iconor something similar, should work.

Having to query: false seems convoluted? No bug report then ?


Hm, I you have to set

icon: alert
image: false

that doesn’t really have such a big advantage over

  icon: alert
  query: false

The tradeoff seems small, particularly given that with this array you can also set a nice background color for your icon etc…

Since with the query it is possible to suppress the image, I don’t consider this a bug anymore, but you can of course create a feature request on Nolt.

Ok, I think it is semantically confusing, perhaps, as I’d say we can usually do option: false and query is a second level fine-grain control to provide query language in order to get values or collections of pages that are otherwise difficult to get.

But not superrelevant, I am ok with this, thanks.

Updated docs: Page blueprint | Kirby CMS