Using blueprint checkboxes to display certain content

I got an one-pager from this tutorial:

On every section from this one-pager I loop through an invisible folder containing restaurant menu carts:

<?php foreach($pages->find('menu')->children()->visible() as $item): ?>
	<div class="col-sm-12">
		<button type="button" class="btn-card" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modal-<?php echo str::slug($item->title()->lower()->html()) ?>"><?php echo $item->title()->html() ?>
			<?php if($item->description()->isNotEmpty()): ?>
				// <?php echo $item->description()->html() ?>
			<?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

The loop from above renders all menu carts:


I need to show only certain menu carts on certain pages (the sections from the one-pager). Right now, I see all menu carts on all pages (the sections from the one-pager).

It would be cool, if I could use blueprint checkboxes (or another approach) in the panel to select the menu carts for each page.

That should be no problem, either use checkboxes or the multi-select custom field. I’m not quite sure how to help you? Selecting the pages to show as options?

    label: Select menu to show on page
    type: checkboxes
    options: query
     page: menu
     fetch: children
     text: '{{title}}'
     value: '{{uri}}'

Ok your blueprint works just fine!

I think while you were happily typing away, I have edited my post above.

You blueprint code snippet works right out of the box :slight_smile:
But what I use for the template file?

Not tested, but could work:

// create a new Pages object
$menuCollection = new Pages();
// fetch the value from the field into an array of URIs
$selectMenu = $page->selectMenu()->split(',');
// loop through the array and add each page to the new Pages object
foreach($selectMenu as $menuItem) {

// loopy loop
foreach($menuCollection as $item): ?>
	<div class="col-sm-12">
		<button type="button" class="btn-card" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modal-<?php echo str::slug($item->title()->lower()->html()) ?>"><?php echo $item->title()->html() ?>
			<?php if($item->description()->isNotEmpty()): ?>
				// <?php echo $item->description()->html() ?>
			<?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

There’s a colon after my first foreach that shouldn’t be there… sorry. I corrected it above.


The code is working but there is no output, even when I select all checkboxes in panel.
Do I missing something?

Maybe it should read $data instead of $page in that line because of the one-pager. Do a dump to make sure you get the array you want.




I definitely should use more dump()

I couldn’t agree more :wink:.

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