User registration - email code not delivered


I have been following the cookbook recipe for user registration and although regular emails are working, the ones containing the codes are not being sent.

I am working on a local environment with MAMP and MailHog. When I try to login and request the code, this never arrives to the inbox, but when I send an email following this example, it works.

Here is my config file:

return [
  // 'debug' => true,
  // other settings
  'email' => [
    // see
    'transport' => [
      'type' => 'smtp',
      'host' => 'localhost',
      'port' => 1025,
      'security' => false
  // see
  'auth' => [
      'methods'   => ['code', 'password'],
      'challenge' => [
        'timeout' => 2 * 60, // 5 minutes
        'email' => [
          'from' => '',
          'fromName' => 'New Registrations Dept.',
          'subject'  => 'Login code'
  'routes' => [
      'pattern' => 'logout',
      'action'  => function() {
        if ($user = kirby()->user()) {


Any idea why it might not be working?

try using a from that includes your actual dev domain. the smtp might be picky about that.

'from' => 'noreply@myexample.test',

I am using MAMP Pro on the default host so the address is “localhost:8888/user-registration/”, I tried using “noreply@localhost” but it didn’t work.

To make sure it’s not an issue with the from email, please use a host (e.g. myproject.test) on Mamp Pro. Then add a from address using this host (or leave the from part empty when the host is used).

I created a new host “” without the ports, move the site there and changed the email address to “”. But it is still not working.

Is the smtp port correct? INstead of localhost, try

That worked! Thank you!