Not getting an email code when registering


I’ve gone through the recipes to create a registration and login page for users to sign up. In the future, I want to show some content only to the ones who signed up.

But when I test my registration page, I don’t get a verification code via email. I will be redirected to the panel page where I have to type in the code but I’m getting no email.

What could be the problem here?

Below is my code I got by following the Kirby recipe.
Before I created the sign up function, I followed the basic recipe for creating a login page and created all files like explained.

The only thing I changed on my own was not to name the user profile “client”, but “subscriber”. I changed this also in the registration.php controller “…‘role’ => ‘subscriber’,…”

(In case it’s helpful: When I try to register and not get a code via email, I can see in the panel however that the account was already created.)

My code:



return [
    'languages' => true,
    'debug' => false,
    'email' => [
        // see
        'transport' => [
          'type' => 'smtp',
          'host' => '',
          'port' => 465,
          'security' => true
      // see
      'auth' => [
        'methods' => ['password', 'code']
    'routes' => [
          'pattern' => 'logout',
          'action'  => function() {
            if ($user = kirby()->user()) {



use Kirby\Exception\PermissionException;

return function ($kirby) {
    // send already logged-in user somewhere else
    if ($kirby->user()) {

    // create empty error list
    $errors = [];

    // the form was sent
    if (get('register') && $kirby->request()->is('POST')) {
        // validate CSRF token
        if (csrf(get('csrf')) === true) {
            // get form data
            $data = [
                'email' => get('email'),
                'name' => get('name'),
            // validation rules
            $rules = [
                'email' => ['required', 'email'],
                'name' => ['required', 'minLength' => 3],
            // error messages
            $messages = [
                'email' => 'Please enter a valid email address',
                'name' => 'Your name must have at least 3 characters',
            // check if data is valid
            if ($invalid = invalid($data, $rules, $messages)) {
                $errors = $invalid;

            // the data is fine, let's create a user
            } else {
                // authenticate
                try {
                    // create new user
                    $user = $kirby->users()->create([
                        'email' => $data['email'],
                        'role' => 'subscriber',
                        'language' => 'en',
                        'name' => $data['name'],
                    if (isset($user) === true) {
                        // create the authentication challenge
                        try {
                            $status = $kirby->auth()->createChallenge($user->email(), false, 'login');
                        } catch (PermissionException $e) {
                            $errors[] = $e->getMessage();
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    $errors[] = $e->getMessage();
        } else {
            $errors[] = 'Invalid CSRF token.';

    return [
        'errors' => $errors



return function ($kirby) {

  // don't show the login screen to already logged in users
  if ($kirby->user()) {

  $error = false;

  // handle the form submission
  if ($kirby->request()->is('POST') && get('login')) {

    // try to log the user in with the provided credentials
    try {
      $kirby->auth()->login(get('email'), get('password'));

      // redirect to the homepage if the login was successful
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      $error = true;


  return [
    'error' => $error



<?php snippet('header') ?>
<?php snippet('nav') ?>

<div class="intro" style="margin-top: 400px;">
    <h1><?= $page->title() ?></h1>

// if the form has errors, show a list of messages
if (count($errors) > 0) : ?>
<ul class="alert">
    <?php foreach ($errors as $message) : ?>
        <li><?= kirbytext($message) ?></li>
    <?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>

<form method="post" action="<?= $page->url() ?>">
    <input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="<?= csrf() ?>">
        <label for="name">Name</label>
        <input required type="text" id="name" name="name" value="<?= esc($data['name'] ?? '', 'attr') ?>">
        <label for="email">Email</label>
        <input required type="email" id="email" name="email" value="<?= esc($data['email'] ?? '', 'attr') ?>">
        <input type="submit" name="register" value="Register">

<?php snippet('footer') ?>


title: Subscriber
    panel: false