Use query language to get translation

Ok, now I have to explain myself :slight_smile:

What I really wanted to achieve is a multi language blog with translated categories.

My first idea was to have one category structure per language:

  type: fields
      label: Verfügbare Kategorien
      type: structure
          label: Kategorie
          type: text

But then I would have needed a translation mapping (in a kirby language file / from keys to either german or english) somewhere and the editor wouldn’t have direct access to the categories without me. For that I also needed the translation from the category keys to the category name of the selected panel language (that was my reason to post the question).

I now have the mapping in one not translatable structure field:

        type: fields
            label: Verfügbare Kategorien
            type: structure
            translate: false
                label: Kategorie
                type: text
                label: Kategorie (english)
                type: text

And the translation happens on demand in a page controller:

return function($page) {
  $isEnglishActive = kirby()->language()->code() === 'en';

  // filter articles for current language only
  $articles = $page->children()->listed()->sortBy('date', 'desc');
  $articles = $articles->filter(function ($child) {
    return $child->translation(kirby()->language()->code())->exists();

  // set all categories used by articles
  $usedCategories = array_unique($articles->pluck('category'));

  // filter articles by current category
  if ($category = param(kirby()->option('category_param'))) {
    $articles = $articles->filter(function ($article) use ($category) {
      return $article->category()->slug()->toString() === Str::slug($category);

  if ($isEnglishActive) {
    $availableCategories = page(kirby()->option('category_page_id'))->categories()->toStructure();
    $availableCategoriesDe = $availableCategories->pluck('category');
    $availableCategoriesEn = $availableCategories->pluck('categoryen');
    $availableCategoriesDictionary = array_combine($availableCategoriesDe, $availableCategoriesEn);

    // use english category names if current language is english
    $categories = array_map(function ($category) use ($page, $availableCategoriesDictionary) {
      return $category = array(
        'name' => $availableCategoriesDictionary[$category->category()->toString()],
        'url' => getCategoryUrl($page->url(), $category)
    }, $usedCategories);
  else {
    // use german category names (default)
    $categories = array_map(function ($category) use ($page) {
      return $category = array(
        'name' => $category->category()->toString(),
        'url' => getCategoryUrl($page->url(), $category)
    }, $usedCategories);

  return compact('articles', 'categories');

Now I’m pretty happy that it works, but I’m not sure if it could be any better or more kirby-like?