Multilang content stored in a database and editable in the panel

Hi there,

I need to store some content in a mySQL database and allow editors to make changes in the panel, using multiple languages. Everything is working (overriding the children() function on a parent page to get the content, overriding writeContent on the extended Page to update the content, including translations based on the languageCode) apart from one thing. I can’t get the translated content to appear in the panel. All that appears is the default language content. Here is my overrided children function() - I’ve amended it to just try passing in hard-coded values to the translations array, but even they don’t show up. What am I getting wrong/is there something else required to get the translations to show up in the panel? Many thanks for any thoughts :slight_smile:

    public function children()
        $areas = [];

        foreach (Db::select('cc_areas') as $area)
            $content = [
                'id' => $area->id(),
                'title'    => $area->name() ?? 'New area',
            $contentEn = [
                'description' => $area->description(),
            if ($areaDe=Db::first('cc_areas_translations', '*', 'area_id='.$area->id().' and language_code="de"'))
                $contentDe = [
                    'description' => $areaDe->description(),

            $areas[] = [
                'template' => 'area',
                'slug' => Str::slug($area->name()),
                'model'    => 'area',  
                'num' =>   $area->id(),      
                'content' => array_merge($content, $contentEn),
                'translations' => [ 
                        'code' => 'en',
                        //this is where I should be using the translated content from the database above, I can't even pass in hard-coded values
                        'content' => ['description'=>'en-test', ]                   
                        'code' => 'de',
                        //this is where I should be using the translated content from the database above, I can't even pass in hard-coded values
                        'content' => ['description'=>'de-test', 'translatedTitle'=>'hi', 'wewewe'=>'wewew', 'areaId'=>55],

        return Pages::factory($areas, $this);

The translation array needs to be an associative array with the language codes as array keys, not an index array like in your code above.

'translations' =>  [
   'en' => [
         'code' => 'en',
         // ...
    // ...

Thanks @texnixe - but I tried using an associative array already and that doesn’t work - also just displays the default language in the panel. Any other pointers much appreciated!

            $areas[] = [
                'template' => 'area',
                'slug' => Str::slug($area->name()),
                'model'    => 'area',  
                'num' =>   $area->id(),      
                'content' => array_merge($content, $contentEn),
                'translations' => [ 
                    'en' =>
                        'code' => 'en',
                        //this is where I should be using the translated content from the database above, I can't even pass in hard-coded values
                        'content' => ['description'=>'en-test', ]                   
                    'de' =>
                        'code' => 'de',
                        //this is where I should be using the translated content from the database above, I can't even pass in hard-coded values
                        'content' => ['description'=>'de-test', 'translatedTitle'=>'hi',],