Uploading large video files?

Hey there,

i’am trying to upload larger video files via drag and drop (on my local xampp server) but it doesn’t seem to work. I can see the spinner for 2-3 seconds and then it stops.

The file size is a mp4 with ~40 mb.

Is this kirby related or a server issue?


Pls. check your upload_max_filesize and post_max_size settings in your php.ini.



post_max_size can not be found. Can you modify the php.ini on a shared hosting? There could be a limit too.

That depends on your hosting provider. If in doubt, you should contact them to find out and if necessary, change the provider. Sometimes, you cannot directly edit the php.ini but make change some settings via a web interface.

If you want to upload ~40MB files, you should probably set the upload_max_filesize to 64M.


You may want to change your PHP-setup, e.g.:

File \xampp\php\php.ini :

max_execution_time = 600

max_input_time = 600

memory_limit = 512M

post_max_size = 64M

upload_max_filesize = 64M

Good luck!

But think on the setup of your (later) live-server!

Thank you guys, i at least got it working on my local dev environment. Have to take a look if I have a chance to change it on my hosting provider too.


Would it be possible for me to change the PHP setup to allow visitors to upload videos of up to 500 MB in the front end?

A big increase from

upload_max_filesize = 64M
post_max_size = 64M

Is this a question for the hosting company?

Uploading such huge files in one go isn’t recommended. Kirby 5 will come with chunked uploads for such big upload tasks.

Okay, do we have an estimated time of launch for Kirby 5?

We aim for a release by the end of this year.
