I just upgraded my site to 2.5.7 from 2.5.5, and it results in a blank site, with the browser saying this site is not working. I don’t even get a whoops page.
Anyone else having any trouble?
I just upgraded my site to 2.5.7 from 2.5.5, and it results in a blank site, with the browser saying this site is not working. I don’t even get a whoops page.
Anyone else having any trouble?
Did you check your PHP error log?
Ok there is this error in the log…
[Tue Nov 14 12:49:58.997497 2017] [php7:notice] [pid 7292] [client] PHP Fatal error: Cannot declare class Asset, because the name is already in use in /home/vagrant/hashandsalt/public/kirby/branches/multilang.php on line 0
[Tue Nov 14 12:49:58.997521 2017] [php7:notice] [pid 7292] [client] PHP Stack trace:
[Tue Nov 14 12:49:58.997526 2017] [php7:notice] [pid 7292] [client] PHP 1. {main}() /home/vagrant/hashandsalt/public/index.php:0
[Tue Nov 14 12:49:58.997529 2017] [php7:notice] [pid 7292] [client] PHP 2. Kirby->launch() /home/vagrant/hashandsalt/public/index.php:16
[Tue Nov 14 12:49:58.997539 2017] [php7:notice] [pid 7292] [client] PHP 3. Kirby->site() /home/vagrant/hashandsalt/public/kirby/kirby.php:695
Im running it on the Homestead vagrant box. I also emptied the plugins folder, but issue persists.
I found this issue on GitHub: https://github.com/getkirby/kirby/issues/606. Is there anything in your config?
I do have this:
c::set('languages', array(
'code' => 'en',
'name' => 'English',
'default' => true,
'locale' => 'en_GB',
'url' => '/',
Removing it makes the site work, sort of, but obviously all my content is now wrong because they are in the form of pagename.en.txt.
but at least i am getting a whoops now.
Hm, the language definition shouldn’t be causing this, though, just calling Kirby in the config
I am certainly not doing this.
Do you use any plugins?
Yes, however, I did empty the plugins folder and the issue persisted. I have the following plugins, some of which have config settings:
Could you please post your full config.php
(you may remove the license and other private information)?
And if you have more than one config file, then all of them.
Sure, here you go…i have 3, however the local one is the only one I know has an issue, i have not tried on live or staging.
local config
c::set('ka.piwik.url', 'XXX');
c::set('ka.piwik.id', 1);
c::set('ka.piwik.tracking', true);
c::set('ka.piwik.trackingIfLoggedIn', true);
c::set('ka.piwik.widget', true);
c::set('ka.piwik.language', 'en');
c::set('ka.piwik.apitoken', 'XXX');
c::set('cachebuster', false);
c::set('livedomain', 'hashandsalt.dev');
c::set('auto.js.filename', '{name}.js');
c::set('fbpageid', 'XXX');
c::set('license', 'XXX');
c::set('languages', array(
'code' => 'en',
'name' => 'English',
'default' => true,
'locale' => 'en_GB',
'url' => '/',
c::set('panel.install', true);
// SEO Settings
c::set('meta-tags.default', [
'title' => function($page) {
return $page->isHomePage()
? site()->seotitle()
: $page->seotitle().' | '.site()->seotitle();
'meta' => [
'description' => function($page) {
return $page->isHomePage()
? site()->seometa()
: $page->seometa();
'keywords' => function($page) {
return $page->isHomePage()
? site()->seokeywords()
: $page->seokeywords();
'robots' => 'index,follow,noodp',
'link' => [
'canonical' => function($page) { return $page->url(); }
'og' => [
'title' => function($page) {
return $page->isHomePage()
? site()->seotitle()
: $page->seotitle().' | '.site()->seotitle();
'image' => function($page) {
return $page->isHomePage()
? site()->shareimage()->toFile()->focusCrop(1200,630)->url()
: $page->shareimage()->toFile()->focusCrop(1200,630)->url();
'type' => 'website',
'site_name' => site()->seotitle(),
'url' => function($page) { return $page->url(); },
'description' => function($page) {
return $page->isHomePage()
? site()->seometa()
: $page->seometa();
'twitter' => [
'title' => function($page) {
return $page->isHomePage()
? site()->seotitle()
: $page->seotitle().' | '.site()->seotitle();
'card' => 'summary',
'site' => site()->twitterusername(),
'creator' => site()->twitterhandle(),
'image' => function($page) {
return $page->isHomePage()
? site()->shareimage()->toFile()->focusCrop(800,400)->url()
: $page->shareimage()->toFile()->focusCrop(800,400)->url();
'url' => function($page) { return $page->url(); },
'description' => function($page) {
return $page->isHomePage()
? site()->seometa()
: $page->seometa();
c::set('meta-tags.templates', [
'workarticle' => [
'meta' => [
'robots' => 'index,follow,noodp'
'og' => [
'type' => 'article',
'twitter' => [
'card' => 'summary_large_image',
'image' => function($page) {
return $page->shareimage()->toFile()->focusCrop(800,400)->url();
live config:
c::set('livedomain', 'hashandsalt.com');
c::set('auto.js.filename', '{name}.min.js');
c::set('panel.install', false);
c::set('cachebuster', true);
c::set('livedomain', 'dev.hashandsalt.com');
c::set('auto.js.filename', '{name}.js');
c::set('panel.install', false);
c::set('cachebuster', false);
It’s those setting causing this. When I put that in a langkit, I get the same error.
Confirmed, if i take those out completely, the site works. What you mean by langkit? Is there a syntax error? I followed the docs for the meta tags plugin, and it works fine with 2.5.5.
Is the issue me or the plugin?
Seems to be the calls to site()
causing this issue.
Is there an alternative way to get the same result?
Replace site()
with $site
. And always wrap it in a function:
c::set('meta-tags.default', [
'title' => function($page) {
return $page->isHomePage()
? $site->seotitle()
: $page->seotitle().' | '. $site->seotitle();
'meta' => [
'description' => function($page) {
return $page->isHomePage()
? $site->seometa()
: $page->seometa();
'keywords' => function($page) {
return $page->isHomePage()
? $site->seokeywords()
: $page->seokeywords();
'robots' => 'index,follow,noodp',
'link' => [
'canonical' => function($page) { return $page->url(); }
'og' => [
'title' => function($page) {
return $page->isHomePage()
? $site->seotitle()
: $page->seotitle().' | '. $site->seotitle();
'image' => function($page) {
return $page->isHomePage()
? $site->shareimage()->toFile()->focusCrop(1200,630)->url()
: $page->shareimage()->toFile()->focusCrop(1200,630)->url();
'type' => 'website',
'site_name' => function($page) {
return $site->seotitle();
'url' => function($page) { return $page->url(); },
'description' => function($page) {
return $page->isHomePage()
? $site->seometa()
: $page->seometa();
'twitter' => [
'title' => function($page) {
return $page->isHomePage()
? $site->seotitle()
: $page->seotitle().' | '. $site->seotitle();
'card' => 'summary',
'site' => function($page) {
return $site->twitterusername();
'creator' => function($page) {
return $site->twitterhandle();
'image' => function($page) {
return $page->isHomePage()
? $site->shareimage()->toFile()->focusCrop(800,400)->url()
: $page->shareimage()->toFile()->focusCrop(800,400)->url();
'url' => function($page) { return $page->url(); },
'description' => function($page) {
return $page->isHomePage()
? $site->seometa()
: $page->seometa();
That doesnt fly, I tried that when i first set it up months ago, and just tried again. Issue persists.
What exactly does not work?
Swapping site()
for $site
I get a whoops… Undefined variable: site.
If i use the code you posted above, I still get a whoops, same error.