I’m trying to upgrade from v2 to v3. Follow instructions from Kirby manual: 1) remove old /kirby, put new one from the latest release 2) replace index.php and .htaccess with new ones 3) remove /thumbs.
Okay. Then I create upgrade.php file, hit it and got this:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Kirby\Cms\System' not found in /var/www/html/mysite/upgrade.php:8
Same with index.php. What may be the issue? something with composer or what? how can I fix it?
I’ve thought, that it may be a problem because of too much outdated version. So recently I’ve upgraded from Kirby v2.5.5, to the latest v2 release - 2.5.14, uploaded /kirby and /panel folders, and everything working fine.
How did you install Kirby, via Composer? There seems to be something wrong with the path, because the script is looking in kiritv3/vendor instead of kiritv3/kirby/vendor…