Hi everyone,
im using uniform for two mail forms, form and application. Validation works great and so does sending mails.
The only thing I can’t get to work is displaying the sent form data in the email body, neither with uniform-email-default nor with uniform-email-table. I dont care about the layout, as long as I get the data in there…
Here is my controller for the form template:
return function($site, $pages, $page) {
$form = uniform(
'quard' => 'honeypot',
'required' => [
'_name' => '',
'_from' => 'email'
'actions' => [
'_action' => 'email',
'to' => (string) $page->email(),
'sender' => 'service@example.com',
'subject' => 'Example | New Application',
'snippet' => 'uniform-email-default',
'receive-copy' => false
return compact('form');
uniform-email-default is at the right place in the snippets folder. When I use uniform-email-table, I get the Markup printed out in the mail sent to me, but not the data.
Please help me, what am I doing wrong / did I miss sth in the docs?
Thanks a lot, kind regards,