Turn off auto escape on underscores

When I add an image called my_image.jpg into my text area and hit save, it renders as my_image.jpg (see image below). Is there anyway to turn the escape function off on underscores?


Kirby version: 2.5.11

I currently don’t have 2.5.11 installed but can’t reproduce this with K 2.5.12 Could you try with the latest release and if the issue persists, post steps to reproduce.

Someone found a solution by commenting out a line and posted it to the Kirby Issues Github, but I think the issues were deleted when the Github changed to Kirby 3?

I am very excited about the new version of Kirby, but please understand that not all websites can be upgraded with the snap of a finger.

I’m was talking about 2.5.12, not Kirby 3, as I said, I can’t reproduce your issue in 2.5.12.

Thanks textnixe, I realized the error was from a wysiwyg plugin. I resolved the issue by commenting out line 21 in TextConverter.php of the plugin.