Text formatting / <cite>

Hello! Is there a manner to render a < cite > tag in markdown? Writing it in html renders this:

< p > < cite > asdf < /cite > < /p >

Any help will be most appreciated.

You can use a greater than Symbol at the Start of the line:

> some quoted Text

See http://getkirby.com/docs/content/text

What exactly do you want to achieve? If you use the html cite tag on a separate line, it will be wrapped in p-tags like any other inline element.

If you want to use a quotation rather than a citation, then you can use a blockquote tag like @tobiasweh suggested

I know how to do a block quote in markdown—what I want to do is a block quote with a subsequent citation, like so:

    <p>This is my quote</p>
    <cite>—This is the source of my quote</cite>

For measure, here’s a solution with Redcarpet.

You could create your own blockquote kirbytag http://getkirby.com/docs/advanced/kirbytext

BTW It helps if people are specific about what they want to achieve in the first place :wink:

The example in the docs (http://getkirby.com/docs/content/text) is:

> Design is not just what it looks like and feels like.
> Design is how it works.

– Steve Jobs

I expected that – Steve Jobs is rendered as <cite>Steve Jobs</cite>. Is that wrong?

Otherwise I’ll use a custom kirbytag.

There is no dedicated syntax for citation in markdown. So you will have to either use a custom kirbytag or use html:

> Design is not just what it looks like and feels like.
> Design is how it works.
> -- <cite>Steve Jobs</cite>

Ok, kirbytag. :slightly_smiling: Thanks.