Being a massive fan of the custom search feature in Alfred (Mac productivity tool) I was super excited to discover Chrome has a similar feature.
You’re coding away, and need to search for something. So you open Chrome, go to the docs or forum page on getkirby and then search.
Using custom searches
In Chrome on any page you tap into the search bar kd (Kirby Docs) or kf (Kirby Forum) then tab you can then type in your query, press return and it will open the results page.
Setting up
You can do this for nearly any site with a search field. But I find it very useful when you find yourself always going back to the same community forum for stuff.
In Chrome right click the search bar and choose Edit search engines
Chrome shows you a list of sites that it has already detected can be used and you should find GetKirby in the bottom list. This is the forum search. The middle column is the keyword you tap before you search. The default one for kirby is kirbys. I changed this to kf.
To add the docs search. Scroll down to the bottom of the list of “other search engines” to find the “add new search engine” fields.
Give it a name Kirby Docs pick a keyword kd and enter the url
To search kirby forum (kf tab) use:
So now when you need to search you just tap two letters in, tab then search.
That’s it, a extremely useful feature that is hidden away. I hope you find it useful, it works great with Discourse forums, I also use it for Github
and Codepen