Structure elements with unique Identifier


I have implemented a structure field for my image files that can store x- and y-coordinates for use in an app.

I opted for the structure field because it offers the flexibility to create an open-ended list of items.

While the in-app use of these coordinates has been successful, there is a significant limitation.

I need the capability to fetch these structure fields, receiving the data bound to a unique identifier for each item.

Is it possible to assign unique identifiers to these structure fields while retaining the structure field format?
Alternatively, would a more effective solution be to move away from the structure field and redesign the coordinate management, allowing users to create individual pages for each coordinate pair?

You can add unique ids via a page.update:after hook, or use this plugin (not sure if this can be limited to structure fields only, because page/file UUIDs are now a core feature):

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Thanks for the quick reply!

This will meet my needs :slight_smile: