I try to port an existing website to kirby.
First I followed the kirbys beginners tutorials and I created a one pager base.
The sections of the one pager are stored in snippets.
Everything worked fine.
Then I started moving the parts from the existing site to the kirby template and snippet files.
In the head-tag of site/templates/home.php I call some css files with the css helper:
<!-- CSS -->
<?= css('assets/css/contact.css') ?>
<?= css('assets/css/gallery.css') ?>
<!-- Font Awesome Icons -->
<?= css('assests/vendor/fontawesome-free/css/all.min.css') ?>
<!-- Plugin CSS -->
<?= css('assests/vendor/magnific-popup/magnific-popup.css') ?>
<!-- Theme CSS - Includes Bootstrap -->
<?= css('assets/css/creative.css') ?>
<!-- SIAG Custom CSS -->
<?= css('assets/css/custom.css') ?>
<!-- Animate CSS to animate elements-->
<?= css('assets/css/animations.css') ?>
When I load the page then strange chars are shown (I guess somewhere I did not close a tag correctly) and the css-tags load very slow.
But why moves kirby all the css-tags in the body-tag? How is this possible if the css markup is in the head-tag?
Even when I delete the css-part in the head-tag of site/templates/home.php then kirby still loads it.
Also when I stop and restart the local server.
How can this be? The information is delete. Or is there some caching going on?
I’m sorry if all looks a bit chaotic, but maybe some can point me to the right direction?
Kind regards