StaticBuilder - Kirby as a static site generator


how can i copy a special files to the static root? In my case: a special .htaccess file.
Is this possible with a config setting?

Another question: after exporting a static version of my site some background images are not visible.
I use the modules plugin and on the non static site it looks like this (working):

background-image: url(<?= $module->url().'/'.$module->bgimage(); ?>);


background-image: url(http://localhost/kirby/site/products/columns-ix4gsq/gilles-lambert-mobile-call-thin.jpg);

Exported it looks like this (not working):

background-image: url(./columns-ix4gsq/gilles-lambert-mobile-call-thin.jpg);

$module->bgimage() is a image field and i get the right file name if i echo this.
But how i get the URL working in the static version?

if i use (image:gilles-lambert-mobile-call-thin.jpg) in the module text the URL is correct:

<img src="http://localhost/kirby/site/content/3-products/9-columns-ix4gsq/gilles-lambert-mobile-call-thin.jpg" alt="">

How does the Image tag get the right URL? Can’t find it anywhere.

Any ideas?
