Hi everyone, I’m having problems with images on my live server and I’ve spent hours searching for a solution without success.
The website is a prototype for a public library. I have a page with search results, and for each book I display the cover image. On first load, I have 5 or 6 items for which the thumb doesn’t load, with a 503 response. Upon refresh thumbs load as expected. The issue only happens on my live server, not my local dev one.
Here is the page: la-bib.emue-design.fr/catalogue
Here is what I get in DevTools for the failing images:
Here is what I already tried:
- checking that gd is enabled
- increasing php max input time and max execution time
- enabling debug (it shows no error)
- deleting the media and the cache folders
Here is the code in my template:
<?php if ($cover = $result->cover()->toFile()): ?>
<picture class="ratio-2-3">
<source srcset="<?= $cover->srcset('result_avif') ?>" width="<?= $cover->thumb('result')->width() ?>" height="<?= $cover->thumb('result')->height() ?>" type="image/avif">
<source srcset="<?= $cover->srcset('result_webp') ?>" width="<?= $cover->thumb('result')->width() ?>" height="<?= $cover->thumb('result')->height() ?>" type="image/webp">
<img alt="Couverture <?= $result->title()->esc() . ' par ' . $result->authorName()->esc() . $cover->alt()->or('') ?>" src="<?= $cover->thumb('result')->url() ?>" srcset="<?= $cover->srcset('result') ?>" width="<?= $cover->thumb('result')->width() ?>" height="<?= $cover->thumb('result')->height() ?>">
<?php endif ?>
Here is my thumbs config for these images:
'thumbs' => [
'srcsets' => [
'result' => [
'1x' => ['width' => 132],
'2x' => ['width' => 264],
'3x' => ['width' => 396]
'result_webp' => [
'1x' => ['width' => 132, 'format' => 'webp'],
'2x' => ['width' => 264, 'format' => 'webp'],
'3x' => ['width' => 396, 'format' => 'webp']
'result_avif' => [
'1x' => ['width' => 132, 'format' => 'avif'],
'2x' => ['width' => 264, 'format' => 'avif'],
'3x' => ['width' => 396, 'format' => 'avif']
If someone can help me with this it would be awesome! (please forgive my english)