Slash at the end of the url

Hello folks!

I’m having some issues with the SEO of my website.
URLs are visible with and without a slash at the end. For example:

Is there any way to choose in kirby which url paths i prefer? I’ve found this plugin but it seems not be available anymore
Redirect to Slash plugin -

I know i can use .htaccess but my .htaccess has a lot of redirects from the old site and i would prefer to fix this in a different way if it’s possible.

Thank you!!

You should use your .htaccess imho. It’s a 2-line change and it should be compatible with redirects that are already added in your .htaccess


I agree with @bvdputte. That is exactly the reason why the plugin mentioned above was removed.

Ok, if that is the better strategy i’ll include the redirection in the htaccess then. Thank you @bvdputte and @texnixe for your help!