Site works offline, but not online

Hi hi, i managed to make my site with kirby working fine offline, but since i put it on a server it doesn’t work at all. PHP-version should be fine. Debugger tells me there is some file missing in the kirby folder (wich i didn’t touch)…
“Failed to open stream: No such file or directory” (see image)

Since i’m not exactly a developer witcher i’m stuck here…
can anybody help? :slight_smile:

I would think that your kirby/vendor folder is empty, but it shouldn’t be (that’s why the error message comes up). Maybe your upload app somehow is configured to ignore a vendor folder?

hmm, vendor folder seems to have the same content on the server as offline…

ok, my provider-support told me this would be the problem:
PHP Warning: require(/home/bernha17/www/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/bernha17/www/ on line 15

in the file “polyfill-ctype/bootstrap.php” on line 15 there’s the instruction “return require DIR.‘/bootstrap80.php’;” but obviously this file is missing…

It’s right there for me:

exactly, i also checked it on the server and it’s there. so this is also not the problem…

this is the test-site:
maybe this helps…

Now it says kirby/src/Cms/Site.php is missing. Are you sure the src/ folder was fully copied?

ok. i now downloaded an FTP-app and loaded up the whole thing again (fist i uploaded it with the providers explorer). so now no files seem to be missing and the site is loading (yay)! thanks for the help!
but links are not working (like language sites), and the panel is not working aswell - is there any trick i should know why things are working offline but not online?

I would assume you didn’t upload the .htaccess file from the main folder.

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lol! you’re absolutely right!
seems like it’s working fine now, thank you so much for the help! :slight_smile: