Simple subscribe form using Mailchimp API

Hello everyone,

I want to add a simple subscribe form in the footer of the website i’m working on, with only one email field and a submit button.

I’m totally new to APIs integrations and I don’t know where to start. I suppose I need a quite similar controller/template configuration as described here for a basic contact form.
I have my API and audience/list keys from Mailchimp but don’t know how to configure the controller.

Does anyone has already done this ?


How about using the embedded signup form?

It looks like the simplest, best solution. I try immediatly.

Thx a lot @texnixe, I owe you so much.

There is a good guide over on CSS Tricks for integrating the embed form without using Mailchimps CSS and JS to do it (these are pretty heavy). This way you can make the embed form match the design of your site. Ive actually done this myself on a Kirby site and it worked out pretty well.

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Oh I didn’t saw it !

Thx a lot @jimbobrjames