I’m experimenting with Kirby and have a website with a ‘Team’ section. Each team member is a kirby ‘page’. Each team member has a role ‘Executive’ or ‘Support’ which is allocated by a select field. On the panel I am trying to separate the team pages so that I have a column for the Executive Team and another column for the Support Team. After some digging around I came up with:
filter: kirby.select(“Role”, “executive”)
filter: kirby.select(“Role”, “support”)
But this just lists all pages in two columns.
Here’s my current Blueprint code:
- width: 3/5
parent: site.find("team")
template: staff
filter: kirby.select("Role", "executive")
label: Executive Staff
type: pages
layout: cards
- width: 2/5
parent: site.find("team")
template: staff
filter: kirby.select("Role", "support")
label: Support Staff
type: pages
Any help appreciated!
Many thanks