December 24, 2015, 9:47am
Is it possible to send an email to multiple recipients using Kirby’s email() function?
I’ve tried the following:
$email = email(array(
'to' => 'info@company.com,administration@company.com',
'from' => $data['email'],
'subject' => 'Contactform',
'body' => $body
Unfortunately that doesn’t work. I get the error message “Invalid recipient” because it tries to validate the input. Any ideas if this is possible? Right now i’m just calling the function twice, but that doesn’t really feel right.
Try (not tested!):
'to' => 'info@company.com;administration@company.com',
instead of
(change “,” to “;” like most email programs do).
Good luck!
December 24, 2015, 10:01am
Nope, doesn’t work either. Still got the ‘Invalid recipient’ error…
That does not currently work unfortunately. I think Kirby should accept an array with multiple addresses there, but that’s not already supported.
I have opened an issue on GitHub .
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December 24, 2015, 11:18am
Yeah I also tried setting an array with multiple addresses. Thanks for opening an issue!
For the moment:
$email = array(
'to' => array( 'info@company.com','administration@company.com'),
'from' => $data['email'],
'subject' => 'Contactform',
'body' => $body
foreach($email['to'] as $to) {
$result = email(a::merge($email, array('to' => $to));
Actually it’s far more simple:
$email = email(array(
'from' => $data['email'],
'subject' => 'Contactform',
'body' => $body
foreach(array('info@company.com','administration@company.com') as $to) {
$result = $email->send(array('to' => $to));
But I will implement the array option as well.
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