Search form with autocompletion / suggestion with awesomplete


I already have a search form and I would like to use awesomplete on my project. I didn’t make it really work :confused:
How can I get data from Kirby to pass it to Awesomplete?

I first though I need a route and provide json data from Kirby, and get those data throught an AJAX call on this route, but I’m pretty bad with AJAX. The example on the Awesomplete doc doesn’t really help me.

Does someone already done that and can show me an examples? Or can explain to me how to do it?
I tried to search some examples but most of them use JQuery and I don’t use it, or not related to Kirby.


Not related but in case I also use the Search For Kirby plugin, with the sqlite solution because Algolia is too difficult for me at the moment :smiley: .

The easiest way would be to store all possible values in the data-list attribute on template rendering, without an Ajax call to the server. This would be fine for short lists, I think. If you have a lot of data, you probably don’t want all these values to sit in the page. Then there is no way around Ajax.

Yeah I will need AJAX, because the search form is looking for title and content.

I tried something, for now I have a route with json response. For the JS part, I get inspired by what’s was done for the Kirby site on the github repo by cleaning and adapting to my use with AJAX.

Everything seem ok, I have just not yet understand how can I fetch the data I want from the response. How can I get the content.title and the url?
Also, is there a way to simplify the result ? I just need the title and the URL.
By looking the json result, the key are not numerical but named like "breves\/identite-remarquable", it’s will be more difficult to fetch since it’s can be wathever.

My route look like this:

  'routes' => function() {
    return [
        'pattern' => 'search-json(:all)',
        'action' => function () {
          $query = get('q');

          if ($query) {
            return site()->search($query, 'title|text')->toJson();

          return false;

And the JSON response (simplified to 1 item):

      "title":"Identit\u00e9 remarquable",
      "image":"- 10.jpg",
      "author":"- 3EQO9QHF",
      "text":"Il est pourtant possible de limiter le co\u00fbt d'une comp\u00e9tition tout en r\u00e9mun\u00e9rant correctement chaque participant. La solution la plus courante consiste \u00e0 restreindre le nombre de candidats en s\u00e9lectionnant en amont les plus qualifi\u00e9s, sur la base de leurs portfolios, de leurs r\u00e9f\u00e9rences et de leurs r\u00e9ponses au cahier des charges."

Consider using a content representation with it’s own controller from which you only return the relevant data, i.e. an array with only the title and url created by looping through the result list or plucking and merging the data.

I finally managed to do it :partying_face: Thanks for your tips @texnixe.
For the moment I just made it all in the route action, but it will be easy to make a controller.


return [
  'routes' => function() {
    return [
        'pattern' => 'search-json(:all)',
        'action' => function () {
          $query = get('q');

          if ($query) {
            $result = site()->search($query, 'title|text')->toArray();
            $i = 0;
            $list = [];

            foreach ($result as $value) {
              $list[$i]["label"] = $value["content"]["title"];
              $list[$i]["value"] = $value["url"];


            return json_encode($list);

          return false;

So now I can use directly this data for awesomplete through AJAX :slight_smile: .

const request = new XMLHttpRequest()
const url = `https://my-website.local/search-json?q=${value}`"GET", url, true)

request.onload = function () {
  if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 400) {
    // Success!
    const result = JSON.parse(this.response)
    const resultLimited = result.slice(0, 5)

    list = resultLimited

    // If there is more than 5 items, add a "view all" label at the end
    if (result.length > 5) {
        label: "Voir tous les résultats",
        value: `http://my-website.local/search?q=${value}`,

    awesome.list = list
  } else {
    // We reached our target server, but it returned an error
    console.log("target error")

request.onerror = function () {
  // There was a connection error of some sort
  console.log("connection error")


I need some refactoring, create a controller, and maybe use fetch().