Running Kirby Locally - problems

Hello all - I have inherited a Kirby project and am totally new to it. We have a project running on a server and I am able to push code to the server and have it run successfully, but I am not able to run the code on a local server.

Steps I’ve taken:
I’ve downloaded the Kirby version that is running on the remote server, changed the name to ‘kirby’ and put it in my project folder.
I’ve run the command php -S localhost:8000 kirby/router.php and the server spins up correctly.

However, when I go to localhost:8000 I get a throw new NotFoundException('The home page does not exist');

So too when I go to any page that exists.

When I go to /panel, I can get in correctly but no pages are showing up and the different panels aren’t displaying correctly, an example being: " The section “events” could not be loaded: The parent for the query ““veranstaltungen”)” cannot be found in the section “events”"

Can anyone help?

As often happens, you look at something for 2 hours and then figure it out 5 min after posting. It looks like the content folder wasn’t in the repository so I just had to copy it down from the server.

Great! Welcome to the forum, nevertheless :wave: