Resizing images on upload without losing exif data

I’m trying to use the kirby 4 resize on upload with this code in my image blueprint:

  width: 2000
  height: 2000

But that is interfering with my config which was set to pull exif data after file creation:

'hooks' => [
    'file.create:after' => function ($file) {

      if ($file->type() == 'image') {

        // Get date created from exif data
        $camera = $file->exif()->camera()->model();
        $iso = $file->exif()->iso();
        $aperture = $file->exif()->aperture();
        $user = kirby()->user()->username();
        $userId = kirby()->user();
        $date = date("Y-m-d");

        function parseFocalLength($file)
    $rawfocalLength = $file->exif()->focalLength();
    if (is_null($rawfocalLength)) {
        return '';

    [$a, $b] = explode('/', $rawfocalLength);

    if ($a && $b && $b !== 0) {
        return $a/$b . 'mm';

    return '';
$focalLength = parseFocalLength($file);
            'camera' => $camera,
            'iso' => $iso,
            'aperture' => $aperture,
            'focalLength' => $focalLength,
            'Photographer' => $user,
            'User-ID' => $userId,
            'Date-uploaded' => $date,
//          'tags' => $keywords

Without the blueprint “create” the exif is pulled correctly. Is there a workaround for this or something I’m doing wrong?

I did try


as well and that didn’t work-

I have another image related question that maybe isn’t worth opening a new topic thread for, but is the exif data for “35mm equivalent focal length” supported? Can I make that the default when pulling $exif->focalLength() ?

Trying to replace the created file with a resized one doesn’t work either?

return [
    'debug' => true,
    'hooks' => [
        'file.create:after' => function ($file) {
            // Check if the uploaded file is an image
            if (in_array($file->extension(), ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'])) {
                // Extract EXIF data
                $exifData = @exif_read_data($file->root());

                // Initialize focal length variable
                $focalLength = null;

                // If EXIF data is available, extract focal length
                if ($exifData) {
                    // Check for 35mm equivalent focal length
                    if (isset($exifData['FocalLengthIn35mmFilm'])) {
                        $focalLength = $exifData['FocalLengthIn35mmFilm'] . ' mm (35mm equivalent)';
                    } elseif (isset($exifData['FocalLength'])) {
                        // Fallback to regular focal length
                        $focalLength = $exifData['FocalLength'];

                        // Convert rational number to a human-readable format
                        if (strpos($focalLength, '/') !== false) {
                            list($numerator, $denominator) = explode('/', $focalLength);
                            if ($denominator != 0) {
                                $focalLength = ($numerator / $denominator) . ' mm';

                // Get the current user and date
                $user = kirby()->user()->username();
                $userId = kirby()->user();
                $date = date("Y-m-d");

                // Update the file metadata with EXIF data, user, and date
                    'Photographer' => $user,
                    'User-ID' => $userId,
                    'Date-uploaded' => $date,
                    'focalLength' => $focalLength

                // Resize the image to 2000 pixels width
                $resizedImage = $file->resize(2000);

                // Replace the original file with the resized image


You need to create a thumb like this instead:

kirby()->thumb($file->root(), $file->root(), [
	'width'   => 2000,

Don’t use replace().

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