Referencing different fields in templates

Sorry for the beginner question, couldn’t find a solution.

I have two different text fields in a blueprint, like so:

	- width: 1/3
				type: textarea
				label: Intro-Text
				buttons: false
				size: large
				required: true
	- width: 1/3
				type: textarea
				label: List
				buttons: false
				size: large
				required: true

In the corresponding template, I can reference the text field like this:

<?= $page->text() ?>

How do I do the same with the introtext field?

<?= $page->introtext() ?>

returns nothing.

This is correct, make sure there is content stored in the field, double-check your content file.

Of course! The field was empty, I forgot to hit save :man_facepalming: