Projects (as shown in docs) on Home

Hi all,
i am setting up a page and would love the homepage to show several sections.
So for example - is it possible to reuse the “projects” page - as show in the docs - on the “home” page (as an extra section)?

I do not want to simply rename the homepage, as i plan more complicated stuff on the way.

Thanks a lot for any ideas.

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OK i have it! Posting as perhaps useful for somebody:

   <ul class="projects">
   		<?php foreach ($site->grandChildren()->template('project') as $linkedproj): ?>
   				<a href="<?= $linkedproj->url() ?>">
   						<?= $linkedproj->images()->findBy("template", "cover") ?>
   					<figcaption><?= $linkedproj->title() ?> <small><?= $linkedproj->year() ?></small></figcaption>
   		<?php endforeach ?>
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