I use a virginal Kirby with the Kirby default theme.
I made a new folder: /content/1-schuelerbeirat
and in this folder i created default.txt (via FTP). I copied an Text in default.txt with html-code (links) :
Title: Schülerbeirat
Text: Schüler sind keine Lehrer, aber alle Lehrer waren Schüler (<a href="https://stadtwebseite.de/Ordner/TOPWEB/03619-16" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Quelle</a>).
But this folder doesn’t become a menu. I see only a slash.
There is an error in the backend, too.
If I want to edit the page, there is no text:
But I can open my-domain.de/schuelerbeirat. But there is problem with the character encoding and no headline.
Then I insert the text in the backend. I see the menu with a headline and without character encoding errors now.
I think, I missunderstood sth. very important. Or?
I’m so sad. I thought, I unterstand, what I must do. I see, that you mentioned one of the pages I have read in an other post to me.
P. S.: The handbook ist very tightly worded for newbies. E. g. https://getkirby.com/docs/cheatsheet/options/debug