I just made an update to 2.2.3 now I got a rather big problem …
I got a builder field to add different block in my block. Some of them contain a code field of type textarea. This text contains preformatted text using spaces to indent.
code: |
∆ code
more code
_fieldset: code
but after saving in the panel the spaces at the beginning of the lines a stripped and I get
code: |
∆ code
more code
_fieldset: code
Which is really awkward … In previous versions the striping was only done of the first line (which I prevented by adding a ∆ in the first position and removing it in my output at the template. No I can add a ∆ to every line, but that is far away from being an ideal solution.
I hope I could explain my problem and even more, the someone can solve it!
You mean a field of type structure, right?
Which Kirby version did you use before the upgrade? I can check what changed since then that may cause the issue.
Yes @texnixe is wright, but as far as I can tell it has nothing to do with the builder plugin. You can reproduce this behavior with a simple structure too.