I have defined two times of content: books + publishers
On the books page I have a structure field which allows me to add/edit multiple versions of the book. Apart from other fields, for each version I can edit the ISBN and the publisher.
// book.yml
label: Versions
type: structure
sortBy: name asc
sortable: false
translate: false
label: ISBN
type: text
label: Uitgever
type: select
icon: false
options: query
sort: true
fetch: kirby.collection('publishers')
text: '{{ page.title }}'
value: '{{ page.AUTOID }}'
type: hidden
translate: false
On the publisher page in the panel, I would like to show a list of all books, that I have entered in the versions structure on the books pages. This could be a (disabled) multiselect or a structure field.
// publisher.yml
label: All books from this publisher
// how can I display these in the panel?
Is it possible to feed the content for a multiselect or structure dynamically based on some query or collection? I know this is possible to query the (multi)select options, but I cannot find any information about dynamically “feeding” the content of these fields.
Moreover, I would also be fine with simply displaying the books on the publisher page in a plain HTML list. But I have no idea how to achieve this simply in the panel (opposed to the website).
Can anyone help me in the right direction?