Plugin Select field from Database

The request is quite the same as I made in a previous topic but instead of getting the languages options I need to retrieve user information from a database (sqlite) with a “value” =>"" and “text” => to generate the dropdown.

So… following the Extended products area demo code, I would add inside classes/Product.php the follwing:

public static function getUser(): array

            'database' => dirname(__DIR__, 1).'/db/user.sqlite',
            'type'     => 'sqlite'

        $customers = Db::select('users', '*', null, 'email DESC')->toArray();

        return array_map(function($customer) {
          return (object) $customer;
        }, $customers);

and adding a field inside dialogs/fields.php :

'users' => [
        'label' => 'Users',
        'type'  => 'select',
        'options' => Products::getUser()->values(fn($user) => [
            'value' => $user->id(),
            'text' => $user->email()
