Plugin Select field from Database

I’m doing something wrong but can’t figure it out and I need your help.
I’m trying to generate a select field (on panel side) from database entries but I’m getting

Call to a member function values() on array

my class User/function getUser generate the following output:

    [0] => Kirby\Toolkit\Obj Object
            [id] => SBBkpjmHKS4wqFl6
            [email] =>
            [firstname] => firstname
            [lastname] => lastname
            [password] => password
            [language] => en


then I try to pass it to my field like this:

'type'  => 'select',
'options' => User::getUser()->values(fn($user) => [
    'value' => $user->id(),
     'text' => $user->email()

Thank you in advance for your help.

Could you provide reproducible code please?

The request is quite the same as I made in a previous topic but instead of getting the languages options I need to retrieve user information from a database (sqlite) with a “value” =>"" and “text” => to generate the dropdown.

So… following the Extended products area demo code, I would add inside classes/Product.php the follwing:

public static function getUser(): array

            'database' => dirname(__DIR__, 1).'/db/user.sqlite',
            'type'     => 'sqlite'

        $customers = Db::select('users', '*', null, 'email DESC')->toArray();

        return array_map(function($customer) {
          return (object) $customer;
        }, $customers);

and adding a field inside dialogs/fields.php :

'users' => [
        'label' => 'Users',
        'type'  => 'select',
        'options' => Products::getUser()->values(fn($user) => [
            'value' => $user->id(),
            'text' => $user->email()


or even an easier way… in Extended products area demo code… in dialogs/fields.php instead of passing a simple array from classes/Products.php with public static function types(): array how to pass $key and $value instead of simply $value?

Something like:


'options' => A::map(Product::types(), function ($type) {
            return ['value' => $key, 'text' => $value];

Array returned by classes/Products.php public static function types():

return [
            '0' => 'bakery'
            '1' => 'dairy',
            '2' => 'fruit',
            '3' => 'meat',
            '4' => 'vegan',
            '5' => 'vegetable',

What I don’t understand is the code in your getUser method.

Why don’t you simply return

public static function getUser(): array

            'database' => dirname(__DIR__, 1).'/db/user.sqlite',
            'type'     => 'sqlite'

        $return = Db::select('users', '*', null, 'email DESC');



 'options' => User::getUser()->values(fn($user) => [
            'value' => $user->id(),
            'text' => $user->email()

This will return a collection on which you can then call the values() method.

Instead, your method returns an array on which you cannot call values()

I think, I’ve tried so many variants to get the expected result that I’ve over complicated the code (and it’s Sunday and I’m tired)…

I’ve implemented your solution and I got:

Return value must be of type array, Kirby\Toolkit\Collection returned

Got to change your return value from array to Kirby\Toolkit\Collection

I’ve removed :array and it’s working… Shouldn’t I return an array in the class?

Depends on your use case.

If you return an array, you cannot use values() further down the line but would have to use A::map like in the recipe.

@texnixe Thank you sooooo much! I’m twice grateful… for the quick responses and for responding a Sunday!

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