These permalinks are also used in the source code. Will that negatively affect SEO? The source code is linking to pages that as far as a search engine will know do not exist.
Also, in a browser when a user hovers over a link, the permalink is shown, not the actual URL. The odd looking permalink could well put users off from clicking the link. Is it possible to show the URL rather than the permalink?
Is it possible to not link to pages using permalinks – they seem to create more problems than they solve – but use URLs?
These permalinks are also used in the source code. Will that negatively affect SEO? The source code is linking to pages that as far as a search engine will know do not exist.
Also, in a browser when a user hovers over a link, the permalink is shown, not the actual URL. The odd looking permalink could well put users off from clicking the link. Is it possible to show the URL rather than the permalink?
Permalinks (rather than the URL) are used in the source code
Will this negatively affect SEO? Will search engines think this is a broken link?
In the browser when a user hovers over a link the gobbledegook permalink is displayed. Some users will be put off by this?
I’m surprised the UUIDs or UUIDv4 are not being resolved to URLs before the source code is written and before a user hovers over a link. Is it possible that the source code and hover link uses the actually URL and not gobbledegook UUIDs or UUID v4?
I have shown you twice the exact solution to what you are looking for. Please read and engage with it instead of just continuing to rant. I will close this post as the solution has been provided.